To do this tutorial you will need to download this zip file, extract and save the files to your computer and install the PeggyFont type face. For instructions on installing fonts go to the Start menu, select Help and Support, type "add new font" in the search box and follow the links and instructions from there. Once you've installed the font, open the pumpkin-blinkie file in Animation Shop.
With the pumpkin-blinkie file open in Animation Shop, select all the frames (ctrl + a). Select the File menu and choose Export Frames to Paint Shop Pro (shift + x). At this point Paint Shop Pro will open a new image with two layers (Frame 1 and Frame 2), these layers will be the background for the text we'll be adding.
Select the top layer (Frame 2), select the text tool (t) and choose the options displayed below.
Choose #453F33 (very dark brown) as the foreground fill color, and choose #4D6423 (dark green) as the background fill color. Click in the center bottom of the image, and type your text in the Text Entry dialog. The text "Happy Halloween!" fits perfectly using the 60 point font shown above. You could also type your name and create a digital signature (sig tag). If your text looks too small or too large change the font size until it fits nicely.
Once you've typed and applied your text, center it on the image using the move handle (the circle in the center of the text). Double click on the vector layer and rename it text. Right click on the text layer and choose Convert to Raster Layer, this makes it possible for us to apply raster effects to the text.
Select the Effects menu and choose 3D Effects, Drop Shadow. Use the following settings:
Vertical Offset: 0
Horizontal Offset: 0
Opacity: 100
Blur: 50
Color: #ffffff (White)
Shadow on new layer
Double click on the shadow layer and rename it White Shadow. With the white shadow layer active, select the Effects menu and choose 3D Effects, Drop Shadow. Use the following settings:
Vertical Offset: 0
Horizontal Offset: 0
Opacity: 100
Blur: 100
Color: #E48B00 (Orange)
Shadow on new layer
Double click on the new shadow layer and rename it Orange Shadow. Duplicate the Orange shadow layer once, and duplicate the White shadow layer twice.
Make sure your text and shadows look just as you'd like them, and then hide the layers Frame 1 and Frame 2. Right click on the text layer on the layer palette and choose Merge, Merge Visible. Double click on the new merged layer and name it text and shadows.
Now we'll adjust the text and shadows layer to match the texture of the background layers. Select the Adjust menu and choose Add/Remove Noise, Add Noise. In the dialog box select Gaussian, 9%, Monochrome. To soften the noise, select the Adjust menu and choose Blur, Gaussian Blur. Set the radius to .4 in the dialog box and choose ok. Display the Frame 2 and Frame 2 layers and notice how the adjustments made the text and shadows blend in better.
At this point we're going to get our file ready to go back to Animation Shop for the final save. Select the text and shadows layer and duplicate it. Move the text and shadows layer right above the Frame 1 layer. Right click on the text and shadows layer and select Merge, Merge down. Select the copy of text and shadows layer, right click on it and select Merge, Merge down. Now there are only two layers remaining: Frame 1 and Frame 2.
To transfer the changes back to Animation Shop, select the Edit menu and choose Update back to Animation Shop. To make sure the update worked, toggle to Animation Shop (alt + tab). If you place your pointer above the image there will be an hour glass displayed because there is still an active link between the image in Animation Shop and the image in Paint Shop Pro. To break the link toggle back to PSP (alt + tab) and close the file you just finished adjusting. You will be asked if you'd like to save changes to the image you adjusted, but since we really only need the copy in Animation Shop you can choose No. You will then be asked if you'd like to update the changes back to Animation Shop, go ahead and choose Yes. You can then toggle back to Animation Shop (alt + tab) and preview your animated pumpkin blinkie by clicking on the second to last tool on the tool bar, View Animation.
If the speed of the animation is too slow or too fast you can adjust it by closing the play window and selecting all of the frames (ctrl + a). Then choose the Animation menu and choose Frame Properties (alt + enter). On the Display Time tab you can increase or decrease the time the selected frames are displayed by adjusting the number in the box. To see if the changes are what you'd like, use the View Animation button on the tool bar.
Once your image is adjusted as you'd like you can save the animation and give it a new name by selecting the File menu and choosing Save As (F12).
I hope you enjoyed making your animated Pumpkin Blinkie! If you did please share the link with a friend. Happy Autumn!